This version has been released on Tuesday, July 7, 2020.
This version is considered a maintenance/enhancement release. We’ve been hunting down some leftover bugs and making sure to get them squashed with this release, but that’s not all! With this release comes support for Ubuntu 20.04 [focal] along with some additional enhancements that we’re pretty happy with. One of the biggest changes has been on the core level (once again). This adjustment comes in the form of the System Response widget that users see when installing an application. Previous iterations have been implementing the same table for all users, this has led to some overlapping of info. An example would be when the system admin updates quickbox, other users then see the “QuickBox update completed” message. We’ve now built and assigned a table to individual users so now users will only see response messages pertaining to their own use. How great! With that said if you see any errors in regards to tables not existing on the update, these can be safely ignored as they are built within the update process.
if you see any errors in regards to tables not existing on the update, these can be safely ignored as they are built within the update process.
We’ve also been working hard to update the technologies that applications such as qBittorrent and Deluge use. As you may know, Deluge is now in full support of python3 as well as libtorrent1.2 libraries. With this release we now have them built as such. Since python2 is on it’s way out, it’s important that we update these things accordingly. As a side note, any applications not yet supporting python3 within the next couple of releases will be seeing a sunset within QuickBox until the developers finalize their own conversions, but we’ll worry about that when the time comes 😉
Not only are we updating libtorrent and python on builds for various applications, we are working to restructure the base directory of the torrent clients. This is a means to keep users home directories a bit tidier and without loose directories sitting outside of the specific clients ~/torrents directories. You can review those adjustments below. Just for those wondering about current structures in place, these are not going to be adjusted in any way for existing users as we don’t want to touch pre-existing directories for users files, this will only apply to newly created users.
For more on this release, check the changelog below. Remember, if you find anything out of the ordinary just drop us a ticket or let us know on Discord. We thrive on users reports and work to make adjustments as quickly as possible… it’s the QuickBox way and keeps us all involved and an ever growing solution to make our lives just a bit easier!
Most importantly: Stay Human! 💓
## NEW: ##### APPS * Nextcloud: added 'qb update nextcloud' ##### GENERAL & UI * Introducing support for Ubuntu 20.04 (focal) * Individual user system response database ##### UPDATE / INSTALL * Set new variables for assigning ssh/ftp ports on install - -ssh='YOURSSHPORT' - -ftp='YOURFTPPORT' ------------------------------------------------------------- ## ENHANCEMENTS: ##### APPS * Deluge/qBittorrent: use @amefs quickbox libtorrent compilations * Deluge: better directory building on install and user creation - New structure on build: ~/torrents/deluge/{download/{complete,incomplete},watch/{load,start}} - Downloads directory is no longer located at generic ~/Downloads Now located at ~/torrents/deluge/download{complete,incomplete} - complete = this is the move completed to path - incomplete = this is the initial download location - Watch directory is no longer located at ~/dwatch Now located at ~/torrents/deluge/watch{load,start} - load = empty offload directory (nothing happens here) - start = auto add location * Deluge: update 'ltConfig' to 2.0 for python3 support --> more - update YaRSS2-1.4.3-py2.7.egg to YaRSS2-2.1.4-py3.X.egg per python3 version installed. * Deluge(v2): building with python3 and libtorrent 1.2 * Fail2ban: use noninteractive on fail2ban install/build * Filebrowser: update version to 'v2.1.2' - now that static assets are fixed and mime-type errors are resolved, let's bump the installed/update * Grafana: removed python psutil module for python3-psutil * Grafana: version bumped to '7.0.5' * LEcert: Set siteroot for domain to dashboard on cert install * Nextcloud: set optimal adjustments to php7.3 on build * phpMyAdmin: additional clean removal procedures added * RTorrent: using enhanced .rtorrent.rc file with cleaner directory builds and logging enabled as default - New structure on build: ~/torrents/rtorrent/{download,log,watch/{load,start}} - Watch directory is no longer located at ~/rwatch Now located at ~/torrents/rtorrent/watch{load,start} - load = adds torrents loaded and not started until user starts manually - start = adds torrents and starts them automatically on add * SABnzbd: added additional 'unrar' dependency on build * SABnzbd: set 'sabyenc' as pip module on build (satisfy debian) * Syncthing: use 'candidate' release channel for weekly updates * Tautulli: use python3 for launch on service ##### GENERAL & UI * Improved system response output within GUI * Improved stats widget on system index to show mysql, php, and nginx version info * Adjust monthly totals pull from vnstat for Ubuntu 20.04 * Added 'update --allow-releaseinfo-change' to avoid errors on apt sources with updated codenames * Display users current quota allowance on admin user edit page * Better edit on admin user edit page ##### UPDATE / INSTALL * Better installer/updater for QuickBox - installs and updates now have improved non-interactive variables. this reduces lag time on both the install and update that could result in potential errors. ------------------------------------------------------------- ## FIXES: ##### APPS * Bazarr: use python3.7+ on Ubuntu xenial & bionic builds * BTSync: do not build erroneous home directory for rslsync group/user * Deluge: adjust v1 source for grabbing on build ##### GENERAL & UI * [security]: Adjust permissions on user build/creation to avoid directory visibility within applications * Deluge|User Creation: Addressed an issue where the deluge_id wasn't bonding with a newly created user * Addressed an issue where admin user/created user passwords were not updating on edit from GUI * Addressed alignment of app options dropdown on Service Control Panel * Adjusted margins on RTorrent service controls * Set back torrent clients download links on app navigation menu * Addressed an issue where user passwords were not updating properly from GUI * Adjustments to service control for Plex * Adjustments to service control for Sonarr if v2 or v3 * Addressed bad offset on 'user actions' dropdown on admin user edit * Addressed users existing email not shown on admin user edit page