We aim to provide support to as many customers as possible. However, we are human and unfortunately as the robots haven't taken over yet, we cannot support you on every issue you may have. So we have to provide a limited amount of Technical Support. Please consider this article as...
Author: jeells102
How to reset your QuickBox Dashboard Password?
On your login page, you will see the Forgot Your Password link; 2. Then, enter in your username and your email address. 3. An email will then be sent to you with a link to reset your password. 4. Enter in new password then click Save. YouTube Video
Why use a DNS service to manage your Dashboard?
Have you ever been in the position where ruTorrent goes offline and you don't have access to your computer or server to refresh that service? Have you ever had it where you've woken up in the morning, wanting to watch your favourite TV show on Plex only to find out...
Welcome to our Blog!
Hello, and thank you for coming to our Blog! Every Friday we'll be releasing a new post talking about some new features, hints and tips, guides and much more for using not only QuickBox, but also just general Seedbox management. We aim to provide useful information in term of how...
How to Ban IP Addresses in QuickBox
You can ban IP addresses from accessing your QuickBox dashboard. To ban IP Addresses from accessing your dashboard, follow the steps below. Log into your DashboardClick on Settings and then Security Settings 3. Scroll down until you see the section "BAN IP ADDRESSES FROM REGISTERING (OR LOGGING IN)" 4. Enter...
How to change your QuickBox Site Name
You can quickly and easily change your QuickBox Site name in your Dashboard. Log into your DashboardClick on SettingsClick on General Settings 4. You'll see the option for the Site Name. Type in your name change 4. Scroll down and click Submit Changes
How to change the User Inactivity Timeout
If you wish to change the User Inactivity Timeout for your users, you can do this within the QuickBox dashboard. Log into your DashboardClick on Settings and then Session Settings 3. Update your settings for the time you want the session to expire. This is done in minutes 4. Click...
Where are the Application Directories?
🛠️ This Article is has moved 🛠️ You found a Knowledge Base article that is has been moved. This move is to ensure a cleaner point of reference on the various software that are included and support by the QuickBox Pro project. 💖 https://quickbox.io/knowledge-base/application-quick-reference-a-e/ https://quickbox.io/knowledge-base/application-quick-reference-f-j/ https://quickbox.io/knowledge-base/application-quick-reference-k-o/ https://quickbox.io/knowledge-base/application-quick-reference-p-t/ https://quickbox.io/knowledge-base/application-quick-reference-u-z/
How to Enable Auto Updates for Jackett
You can enable auto updates for Jackett really easily within the Jackett Application. Open up JackettScroll to the bottom of the pageYou'll see the option that says "Disable auto update" that is on by default just like below 4. Untick this box 5. Then scroll up and click "Apply Server...
Do you like a mystery and want to help solve it?
Are you a problem solver? Do you like getting into mysteries and learning about how they work and how to resolve them? Do you like working with a team that not only can provide quality laughter but has a wealth of knowledge? Then why not consider joining our team and...