Notice on OTP requirements:The below article pertains to a grace period for implementing and routine testing of the One Time Passcode system. On June 4th 2021 OTP will be required along with normal username/email and password authentication. Meaning: It will be required to also enter the passcode delivered to your...
Category: Announcements
v3 Developer Updates (week 6)
Happy Friday QuickBox, It's time for another development update! Framework This week marked the completion of the system applications and the beginning of the software conversion. System script size and file count has been reduced significantly. We've gone from 82 files to only 8! We also have a timeframe for...
v3 Developer Updates (week 5)
Another Friday, another update! Framework The core system scripts will have been completely rewritten by tomorrow (only a couple left!). All that remains following this is the conversion of the software scripts and the final implementation of some new features! So far I've managed to reduce the code line-count from...
Recent OVH Fire
As many of you know, there was recently a fire located in an OVH Datacenter in France. The result is that of a bit of chaos. Here's the headline: Fire at an OVH Data Center in Europe takes down millions of sites...All the news sites That's about all that matters....
v3 Developer Updates (week 4)
Can you believe it's Friday again? Madness.This week has been a little bit slower on the development front, but there's still exciting news to share! So without further ado: Framework Backup and Restore I've briefly touched on this before, but this was brought up recently by @TheBrokenGod. After some planning,...
v3 Developer Updates (week 3)
Another week, another development update!This week the main focus has been on software conversion, libraries and dynamic groups! So let's hop straight into it! Framework I've carried on with the libraries this week and have converted our first piece of software (Netdata) to the new format. I've also chucked in...
Community Forums to be archived
Quick summary, TLDR; The Community Forums, also coined as our Community Plaza, are scheduled for archiving. We will be signaling a close to the Forums as of Wednesday, March 3, 2021. A little history The QuickBox Community Plaza was first launched in early May of 2016. The Plaza acted as...
v3 Developer Updates
With the upcoming QuickBox v3 release we've decided to provide weekly updates on its current development status. These will be slightly technical as opposed to our normal announcements. Our current release of QuickBox is packed full of features and as a result, it's not as streamlined as we'd like it...
Holiday Support Notice
As the Holidays are upon us, we take time to be with our families and to reflect upon the wildest year of them all 2020! As of December 24th through the 26th and December 31st through January 2nd, please be advised the priority support via both the onsite ticketing system,...
We’re Looking for Guest Bloggers
Do you love technology and writing about technology? Write not consider creating a guest blog post based on a topic of your choice. It could be written about anything! It could be about the new Ubuntu Operating System that has just been released. It could be about the new Raspberry...