About SickChill Video File Manager for TV Shows, It watches for new episodes of your favorite shows and when they are posted it does its magic.Website:https://sickchill.github.io/ SickChill Details SickChill User availability .MU. This is a multi-user application and can be installed by any user within the application grouping. Location and...
Author: JMSolo
SABnzbd Quick Reference
About SABnzbd SABnzbd is a multi-platform binary newsgroup downloader. The program works in the background and simplifies the downloading verifying and extracting of files from Usenet. SABnzbd uses NZB files (similar to .torrent files, but for Usenet), instead of browsing Usenet directly.Website:https://sabnzbd.org/ SABnzbd Details SABnzbd User availability .MU. This is...
ruTorrent Quick Reference
About ruTorrent ruTorrent is a front-end for the popular Bittorrent client rtorrent. Main features: Lightweight server side, so it can be installed on old and low-end servers and even on some SOHO routers, Extensible - there are several plugins and everybody can create their own one, comes with club-QuickBox skin.Website:https://github.com/Novik/ruTorrent ruTorrent...
rTorrent Quick Reference
About rTorrent rTorrent is a quick and efficient BitTorrent client that uses, and is in development alongside, the libTorrent (not to be confused with libtorrent-rasterbar) library. It is written in C++ and uses the ncurses programming library, which means it uses a text user interface.Website:http://rakshasa.github.io/rtorrent/ rTorrent Details rTorrent User availability...
Sonarr / Sonarr4K Quick Reference
About Sonarr / Sonarr4K Sonarr is a tv series management tool which will work with both torrents and usenet.Sonarr4K is a standalone Sonarr clone for the 4K UHD profiles. It is a means to handle multiple Sonarr instances, while keeping UHD content separate from general content.Website:https://sonarr.tv/ Sonarr / Sonarr4K Details...
Requestrr Quick Reference
About Requestrr Requestrr is a Discord chatbot used to simplify using services like Sonarr/Radarr/Ombi via the use of chat! All the users of your Discord Server can request for adding new content and get notified when available.Website:https://github.com/darkalfx/requestrr Requestrr Details Requestrr User availability .MU. This is a multi-user application and can...
Readarr Quick Reference
About Readarr Readarr is a ebook collection manager for Usenet and BitTorrent users. It can monitor multiple RSS feeds for new books from your favorite authors and will interface with clients and indexers to grab, sort, and rename them.Website:https://readarr.com/ Readarr Details Readarr User availability .MU. This is a multi-user application...
RClone Quick Reference
About RClone Rclone is a command line program to sync files and directories to and from a multitude of hosts.Website:https://rclone.org/ RClone Details RClone User availability .MU. This is a multi-user application and can be installed by any user within the application grouping. Location and Port InformationCLI Usage Install Location MergerFS mount/home/${username}/rclone/gmedia/ Google...
Radarr / Radarr4K Quick Reference
About Radarr / Radarr4K Radarr is an independent fork of Sonarr reworked for automatically downloading movies via Usenet and BitTorrent.Radarr4K is a standalone Radarr clone for the 4K UHD profiles. It is a means to handle multiple Radarr instances, while keeping UHD content separate from general content.Website:https://radarr.video/ Radarr / Radarr4K...
Quotas Quick Reference
About Quotas This feature of Linux allows the system administrator to allocate a maximum amount of disk space a user or group may use.Linux Manual Page:https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/quota.1.html Quotas Details Quotas User availability .G. This is a global application. Can be installed only by the System Administrator, ie; main account. Will be...