Command Line Interface
Despite having an easy to use dashboard, some users prefer using terminal to execute certain commands! We’ve compiled a list of all QuickBox commands to make life a little bit easier.
Simply start typing a command and hit tab you’ll be presented with a list of valid qb
commands, if there is only a single possible command following your input, tab will complete your current input to that. Be aware that autocomplete will not finalize some of the more intricate optional parameters. so it’s vital to consult the help pages and functions as needed.
It is important that you elevate your permissions first of all. In order for these commands to work on QuickBox Pro, you must do sudo -i
followed by hitting enter on your keyboard first, then type in your command.
API Commands:
Manage API Key:
qb manage api
- Manage QuickBox API keys and list additional information and options.
Activate API Key:
qb manage api -k [KEY]
- This command will activate a valid Pro Subscription on your server. If no API Key is specified you’ll be prompted to enter one.
Deactivate API Key:
qb manage api -o deactivate
- This command will deactivate the current API Key activation on the server.
Clean Commands:
Clean Memory:
qb clean memory
- This command will attempt to clear system memory caches and free up available memory.
Clean Dashboard Logs:
qb clean dashboard_logs -u [USERNAME]
- This command will attempt to clean the QuickBox dashboard logs for the designated user.
Clean Rclone Upload Logs:
qb clean rclone_logs -u [USERNAME]
- This command will attempt to clean the QuickBox rclone upload logs for the designated user.
Clean Apt/Dpkg Locks:
qb clean lock
- This command will attempt to resolve any dpkg locks. These issues are normally caused by interrupting apt upgrades, lacking certain dependencies, or simply from the time on your server being incorrect.
Dashboard Commands:
Set Preferred Dashboard Domain:
qb manage webroot -o [server_ip (or) domain]
- This command sets the server web root for dashboard access.
- Example:
qb manage webroot -o
(OR)qb manage webroot -o server_ip
Will set the access to your dashboard to either the expressed Domain or IP Address.
Fix Commands:
Fix /home Permissions:
qb fix home -u [USERNAME]
- This command will attempt to fix the designated users home directory permissions.
Fix Php:
qb fix php
- This command will attempt to fix issues with the PHP installation. These issues happen when the updates are applied incorrectly or the updater is interrupted.
Fix Python:
qb fix python
- This command will attempt to recompile the Python installation to v3.9.2 on supported Distro. Recompiling may be needed when certain dependencies are required/updated and python3.9 needs to be rebuilt.
Fix Version (or) Version Reset:
qb fix version
- This command will attempt to reset the current version installed. If a newer version is found, it will update accordingly.
Help Commands:
QB Help Manual:
qb -h || qb --help || man qb
- Any one of the above commands will display the
help manual. Essentially, what you see here.
Software Command Help:
qb help [SOFTWARE]
- This command will show a list of options and process commands for the designated software.
- Example:
❯ qb help sonarr * Usage: qb [install|reinstall|remove|update] sonarr -u [user] -o [nightly|4k] ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ EXAMPLES NOTES ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ qb install sonarr -u user installs latest stable version of sonarr for user qb install sonarr -u user -o nightly installs latest nightly version of sonarr for user qb install sonarr -u user -o 4k installs latest stable version of sonarr4k for user qb install sonarr -u user -o 4k -o nightly installs latest nightly version of sonarr4k for user qb reinstall sonarr -u user reinstalls latest stable version of sonarr for user qb reinstall sonarr -u user -o nightly reinstalls latest nightly version of sonarr for user qb reinstall sonarr -u user -o 4k reinstalls latest stable version of sonarr4k for user qb reinstall sonarr -u user -o 4k -o nightly reinstalls latest nightly version of sonarr4k for user qb remove sonarr -u user removes sonarr for user qb remove sonarr -u user -o 4k removes sonarr4k for user qb update sonarr -u user updates sonarr to latest stable version for user qb update sonarr -u user -o nightly updates sonarr to latest nightly version for user qb update sonarr -u user -o 4k updates sonarr4k to latest stable version for user qb update sonarr -u user -o 4k -o nightly updates sonarr4k to latest nightly version for user ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------
Want added verbosity to your software commands? Just add the -v
flag to the end of your arguments.
Language Commands:
Select Preferred Server Language:
qb manage lang -o [de|german | dk|danish | en|english | es|spanish | fr|french | pt|portuguese | zh-cn|chinese]
- This command will set the requested language as the default language for the server.
- Example:
qb manage lang -o en
(OR)qb manage lang -o english
will set the servers default to English.
Software Commands:
Install Software:
qb install [SOFTWARE] -u [USERNAME] -o [OPTION1] -o [OPTION2]
- This will install the software specified for the designated user account.
Remove Software:
qb remove [SOFTWARE] -u [USERNAME] -o [OPTION]
- This will remove the software specified from the designated user account.
Update Software:
qb update [SOFTWARE] -u [USERNAME] -o [OPTION]
- Use qb update tab to get a list of updatable software as well as any options (ie; versions such as with Sonarr)
Reinstall Software:
qb reinstall [SOFTWARE] -u [USERNAME] -o [OPTION1] -o [OPTION2]
- This will reinstall the software specified for the designated user account.
It's important to be sure to use the proper remove/update commands for software such as Radarr and Sonarr. These two applications provide separate 4K builds within the same package. Therefore, if wanting to remove Radarr 4K and keep Radarr, ensure the -o 4k
flag is set to remove Radarr 4K only.
qb help [SOFTWARE]
when unsure!
Support Commands:
Enable quickSupport:
qb support enable
- This command will enable the support account for QuickBox Pro Support Staff to connect.
Disable quickSupport:
qb support disable
- This command will disable the support account.
To ensure the security of your account, quickSupport is created with a signed set of security keys that are rotated weekly. This ensures that only verified Support Staff holding the secure keys can access the activated account on your server.
The support account will be automatically deactivated and deleted after a 24 hour period.
Tracker Commands:
Enable Public Trackers:
qb manage trackers -o enable
- This command will allow the ability to connect to public trackers.
Disable Public Trackers:
qb manage trackers -o disable
- This command will block the ability to connect to public trackers.
Disabling public trackers creates rules in the /etc/hosts file, as well as iptables.
A daily cron task is created to ensure that any additional ips are updated on the tables. This job file can be found at:
The list of denied hosts can be adjusted to meet your needs. This file can be found at:
Update Commands:
Check for Update:
qb update check
- This command will check for any available QuickBox updates.
If you have automatic updates enabled, it will update your server as well.
Update QuickBox Install:
qb update quickbox
- This command will update QuickBox Pro if a new version is available.
QuickBox performs update checks every hour, on the hour.
This is set by way of a cron job located at:
User Commands:
Create User:
qb user create -u [USERNAME] -p [PASSWORD] -e [EMAIL]
- This command will create the specified QuickBox user.
- The following example creates a user named echo with the password quickbox and the email [email protected]:
qb user create -u echo -p 'quickbox' -e '[email protected]'
- A friendly word of caution. Try to avoid using usernames that are too similar, as this can cause unexpected side-effects across various commands and functions. Example: user and users, paul and pauly etc. etc. In short, be creative!
Delete User:
qb user delete -u [USERNAME]
- This command will delete the specified QuickBox user.
Change User Password:
qb user password -u [USERNAME] -p [NEWPASSWORD]
- This command will update the specified QuickBox user’s password.
Set User Quota:
qb user quota -u [USERNAME] -o [SIZE(GB|TB)]
- This command will set a quota limit for the specified user.
Show User Quota:
qb user show -u [USERNAME]
- This command will show the quota limit for the specified user.
Ban User:
qb user ban -u [USERNAME]
- This command will ban the specified QuickBox user.
Unban User:
qb user unban -u [USERNAME]
- This command will unban the specified QuickBox user.
Promote User to Admin:
qb user promote -u [USERNAME]
- This command will promote the specified user to admin.
Demote User from Admin:
qb user demote -u [USERNAME]
- This command will demote the specified user from admin to a standard registered user.
Set User Shell:
qb user shell -u [USERNAME] -o [full|limited|sudo]
- This command will set the specified users bash environment.
- limited = This is the default user shell, known as Limited Shell. Limited shell, limited commands.
- full = Full permissions to browse server, minus sudo and limited on file editing.
- sudo = sudo privileges to the server, can do all the things. “With great power comes great responsibility.” ~ The Peter Parker principle
User Rclone Companion Commands:
qb user rclone -u [USERNAME] -o [remove_lock|upload|logs]
-o remove_lock
= This command removes the lock file placed by the rclone script. This is useful in the event the previous upload attempt stalled, failed, or was somehow interrupted. Should the lock remain in place, media will fail to be moved at the set schedule.-o upload
= This command will force the upload for rclone to gdrive. Otherwise, media will be moved nightly on schedule at 03:00.-o logs
= This command will show a summary of the last results of the rclone move log. The full log can be viewed at /home/[USERNAME]/rclone/move.log.